Example usage of the API


HTML presentation elaborated by PHP using a CURL request


HTML presentation elaborated by JAVASCRIPT using an AJAX request


FullCalendar representation elaborated by JAVASCRIPT using an AJAX request

Calendar subscription URL


Click on the link above to copy it the clipboard.

Navigate to https://calendar.google.com .

At the bottom left corner of the screen, next to Other calendars, click on the + icon to add a new calendar, and choose From URL.

Paste in the URL that you copied earlier.

Once subscribed, your calendar will be populated with the events from the subscription URL.

Google Calendar will poll the calendar URL every 8 hours.

Since you have made a subscription, any updates in the Liturgical Calendar API will be propagated to your subscription.

You will only see events for the current year. On the first day of a new year however, new events will be created automatically for the new year.

Once the calendar has been added from a desktop, it will become available for the same Gmail account on the Google Calendar app on a smartphone.

Click on the link above to copy it the clipboard.

Go to Phone Settings → Accounts → Add account → Other → Add Calendar.

Paste in the URL that you copied earlier.

Once subscribed, your calendar will be populated with the events from the subscription URL.

The iPhone Calendar app will poll the calendar URL based on the settings at Phone Settings → Accounts → Fetch New Data → Fetch.

Since you have made a subscription, any updates in the Liturgical Calendar API will be propagated to your subscription.

You will only see events for the current year. On the first day of a new year however, new events will be created automatically for the new year.

If you have not yet added the calendar subscription from the desktop version of Google Calendar, please do so now (see Google Calendar).

Open the Google Calendar app.

Go to Settings, then under the account which you used for the Desktop version, click on the Calendar subscription name.

Make sure Synchronization is turned on.

Once subscribed, your calendar will be populated with the events from the subscription URL.

Google Calendar will poll the calendar URL every 8 hours.

Since you have made a subscription, any updates in the Liturgical Calendar API will be propagated to your subscription.

You will only see events for the current year. On the first day of a new year however, new events will be created automatically for the new year.

(tested with Outlook 2013)

Click on the link above to copy it the clipboard.

At the bottom of the screen, switch from Email view to Calendar view.

On the ribbon of the Home menu item, click on Open calendar → From the internet.

Paste in the URL that you copied earlier.

On the following screen, check the checkbox along the lines of "Poll this calendar in the interval suggested by the creator".

Outlook Calendar should now poll the calendar URL once a day.

Once subscribed, your calendar will be populated with the events from the subscription URL.

Make sure the Calendar is created in the Other calendars folder; if you find it under the Personal calendars folder, drag it and drop it onto the Other calendars folder, so as to ensure that it is treated as a subscription internet calendar.

You can manually fetch new data by clicking on Send/receive all (from the SEND/RECEIVE menu item).

Outlook Calendar supports a minimal amount of HTML in the event description, so the event descriptions provided by the subscription URL are a little bit more "beautified" for Outlook.

Since you have made a subscription, any updates in the Liturgical Calendar API will be propagated to your subscription.

You will only see events for the current year. On the first day of a new year however, new events will be created automatically for the new year.

Calculation of the Date of Easter: Example interface

Example display of the date of Easter from 1583 to 9999

Alexa News Brief

Daily news brief with the liturgy of the day, as an Amazon Alexa skill

Alexa interactive skill

In development

Google Assistant app

In development

Liturgy of any day

For example, you can find the liturgy of the day from the day of your baptism.