Translating the Liturgical Calendar project

The first step in creating a national or diocesan calendar, is to translate the data for the General Roman Calendar into the language for that nation or diocese. This can be done on the LitCal translation server . If you would like to contribute to the translations of the Liturgical data for your region, please feel free to create an account on the translation server.

Other translations required for the Liturgical Calendar data are found in the API strings translation component. Upon choosing the language in which to translate this component, you will find tags that categorize the strings for translation in the "String status" section. The categories that are required to complete the Liturgical calendar data are: 1. Calendar strings, 2. Commons, 3. Liturgical colors, 4. Liturgical grades. The Calendar messages tag / category are the messages that explain how the calendar was calculated for a given year; though not essential for the Calendar data, it is useful information for understanding where the results of the current calculation came from.

If translating liturgical calendar data for a European country, you will also want to translate the Patron Saints of Europe component.

Translations of the above mentioned festivities MUST NOT be done simply based on the linguistic abilities of the translator, but MUST be taken from the Roman Missal used in the region for which the translation is accomplished. Translations of the above mentioned festivities may change from one edition of the Roman Missal to the next; translators should simply use the most recent edition of the Roman Missal for their region as a reference. This API intends to be historically correct as regards the calculation of the dates and the precedence of the festivities, but does not pretend historical accuracy as regards differences in the translations of the festivities over time.

National calendars and related translations must be defined using data from the translation of the Roman Missal used in the Region or in any case from decrees of the Episcopal Conference of the Region. Anyone who intends on contributing to the translations is required to agree to these conditions. If the translator is not an expert in liturgical science or does not have a role in a diocesan office for liturgy and worship, the translations will require overview by a liturgical expert before being incorporated into this project.

The project website can be also be translated into other languages. The translation strings can be found in the following translation components:

  1. liturgical-calendar/frontend
  2. liturgical-calendar/frontend-js