How to Install Shell-GPT with Deepseek Coder v2

After the Deepseek coder was announced promising amazing performance and quality in code generation, I was curious to try it out locally. I found this youtube video that explained a little bit of how to install deepseek-coder-v2 with shell-gpt and ollama / litellm:

However in the video the author mentioned that he was having trouble getting it to work correctly locally, and in the end just resorted to using the platform API.

I wasn’t able to do any further testing locally at the time because my 16GB RAM laptop was not enough to handle the deepseek-coder-v2 models which require at least 32GB RAM. However I now find myself with 32GB RAM available, so I started looking again into getting deepseek-coder-v2 to work locally with ollama and litellm and with shell-gpt. And I have finally succeeded! Here’s how I did it in Ubuntu 24.04 in WSL2 on Windows 11, with Python 3.12:

Install ollama

curl -fsSL | sh

Install the deepseek-coder-v2 image

ollama pull deepseek-coder-v2

(this can take a while so go grab a coffee!)

Install shell-gpt with litellm

pipx install shell-gpt[litellm]

Get a Deepseek API key

  1. Register and login to the Deepseek open platform
  2. Go to the API keys menu and click on Create API Key
  3. Enter the API key name in the pop-up (e.g. Shell GPT)
  4. Copy the generated API key and save it somewhere that you can easily retrieve it

Customize the Shell GPT configuration

nano ~/.config/shell_gpt/.sgptrc

Configure with these values:


Make sure to:

  1. set DEFAULT_MODEL to ollama/deepseek-coder-v2
  2. set API_BASE_URL to (or at the IP:PORT your ollama instance is running on)
  3. set USE_LITELLM to true
  4. paste your Deepseek API key as the value of the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable

You should now be able to run sgpt hello and get an answer from your local deepseek-coder-v2!

One Comment

  1. johnrdorazio said:

    After testing out the local deepseek-coder-v2 instance (installed in ollama) with in VSCode, I find that it’s not necessarily the best option for code suggestions. It tends to make 30+ line suggestions with code that is really out of context, almost a hallucination of code that looks like it might fit in, but really isn’t what I need or what I’m looking for. I find that code suggestions from codeium in VSCode are much more to the point, and even though they’re not always what I need or what I’m looking for, at least it’s only suggesting between 1 and 3 lines at a time, and it tends to do a pretty good course correction as I begin to write the code I’m actually looking for. deepseek-coder-v2 is perhaps good for producing solutions in chat or answering questions in chat, but not so much for code suggestions.

    Thursday, December 12th, 2024

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